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The Norwegian culture inspired Japanese tea ceremony series vol.2 / JNS第2回お茶会「秋の夜咄」へのお誘い

The Norwegian culture inspired Japanese tea ceremony series vol.2
Autumn “Yobanashi” Vingen Bar

Welcome to our second Japanese tea ceremony series!
For this occasion, we will arrange traditional “Yobanashi” style ( the ceremony held after sun set & enjoy the minimalism beauty ) in the great Norwegian modern art, culture and design atmosphere, in short, try to share “art meditation” with all attendance @Vingen Bar, Astrup Fearnley Museet. Reception will be followed with special drink, served by Vingen, their recipe is exclusively inspired by this tea culture. We’re looking for everyone interested in and let’s share the moment which will be never repeated in the past or in the future.
Guests can choose one of three different tea ceremony styles at your participation


美しい夕景のオスロ湾を臨むAstrup Fearnley Museet内Vingen Barにて、通常冬に開かれる“夜咄”の茶会をノルウェー流にアレンジし、ノルウェーの最新カルチャーとデザインの紡ぎ出す空気の中で、みなさんとお茶を通じた“アート・メディテーション”のひと時をご一緒したいと思います。ご来場者全員に参加いただけるお茶会ともに、レセプションではVingen Barとのコラボレーションし、本イベントのために特別にご提供する「お茶のカクテル(アルコール/ノンアルコール)」をお楽しみいただきます。
お茶席体験では、1. 畳席でのお点前、 2. 盆点前、 3. 和敬点てのいずれかをお選び頂けます。(各回人数に限りあり)

Participation Fee: 250 kr for members / 300 kr for non-members
(Incld. Participation fee and one drink at reception)

Bring with you: Your favorite “cushion”

Registration: Please send e-mail to
- before October 18th

-Write down "Tea Ceremony " in the subject area.
-Write down your preference alcohol or non-alcohol.
-Write down your preference at participation ceremony
1 traditional on tatami mat, 2 table-served, 3 “on-journey” style.
-We will take "first come - first serve" policy. 

Payment: Bank account No. 1609 04 42094 (The Japan Norway Society). 
-Mark payment with your name and "Tea Ceremony". 
-For JNS members, please write down ‘JNS’ .
-We ask for the fee to be paid by October 19th.
-Registration will be completed by confirmation mail after your payment attendance fee. 

Cancellation policy: After October 20th will be full charged. 

Maximum participants : 40 guests
